
Become a Smith & Sniff Supporter

One of the ways in which the Smith and Sniff podcast supports itself and justifies its existence is through the generosity of listeners via Patreon.

In return you get each new show a little earlier and it comes with what we call 'show notes' which is basically a load of pictures, links and other bits of supplementary information relating to the episode. Also on our Patreon there's a massive Smith and Sniff glossary that tries to explain some of the in-jokes and where they first started as well as listing all of the stupid fake Jonny YouTube channels that Richard makes up every week.

We don't do tiers because we asked existing Patrons what they wanted for their money and they pretty much said, as one, just shut up, take our cash and get on with doing the podcast. So we do. 

If you'd like to help, click the button below.